Translating the Healthcare Landscape

Introducing our new blog, Journey to Well, and what you can expect to learn from it.
Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, value-based care, fee for service, preventative screenings, doctors, specialists, HIPPA, medications, health insurance choices. Understanding and navigating our health and the healthcare system is enough to make a person run screaming in the opposite direction or want to bury their head in the sand. That is why we decided to start our first Village Medical blog, Journey to Well. This blog is not just another healthcare blog designed to give you tips and information about nutrition, diet, and medical conditions (although you will find that here as well), but also to explain some of the terms and complexities you will find in our healthcare system. We also want to share advice from our trusted physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs) – who are able to breakdown complex topics in ways that we all can understand.
Knowledge is power!
Sir Francis Bacon is credited with saying this in the 16th century, and nowhere is knowledge more powerful and important than when it comes to your health. To help you gain this power, our weekly blog will feature a variety of topics written by healthcare experts, including doctors, pharmacists, insurance specialists, and many more. We believe providing you with this information will allow you to better understand and partner with your primary care provider when making decisions about your health (and not run screaming from the room).

Let’s get started.
We want this blog to be informative as well as a place for people to pose questions, make suggestions, and create a community of sharing and learning. So, we encourage you to comment, reply to comments, and ask questions on the posts. To start us off, please comment some topics you would like to see us discuss in the upcoming months. We are excited to have you be part of our Journey to Well.
Please view our comment policy here.